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Traveling beyound imagination

The univers of Wonderland, the same like in Lewiss Carroll’s book, Alice in Wonderland, show that the unknow and the ununderstandable to be familiar, logic and funny too. If Alice can pace trough this world, to live in it and to make friends, than all is possible. By similar aproach, our imagination can pass beyound the actual world’s limits, beyound the mathmatical definition of local or national “comune law”, that can sometime turn into stereotipes and this stereotipes can turn sometime into biases. This kind of spirit brings the young people with disability that participate to this youth exchange named Wonderland. They see the world, the european community as a Wonderland where they want to aproach with interest, curiosity, hope, but moreover friendship all thise together with there try to passover any phisical, but moreover social or cultural barier that block there way to community, to there friends and there willing to participate to community. There for, “the camp” of Wonderland it was “decree” to Oradea, by multiplateral youth exchave with young people from Spain, France, Italy and Romania.

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